In the 1950s a report was published that linked cigarettes to lung cancer, soon thereafter 97% of all cigarettes were sold with filters. Today, cigarette butts are the most littered item in history with over 4.5 trillion cigarette butts irresponsibly discarded of each year by consumers as they assume that they are biodegradable which is far from the truth.
A new company in India has figured out a way to recycle the plastic fibres of used cigarette filters and turn them into something useful.
The process is no easy task. They found that the most efficient way of collecting cigarette butts is to fill their city with ashtrays that they collect every now and then. Once collected, each filter is opened and separated from the remaining tobacco and foreign material and then is put into a cleansing machine that cleans the fibres with the help of chemicals to remove all tar and harmful chemicals.
What they are left with is a very clean and soft cotton-like material which is then used to fill teddy bear toys and stuffing for pillows.
Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Business Insider on How Cigarette Butts Are Being Turned Into Teddy Bear Stuffing - World Wide Waste...