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Take a look at the dependability on just a few underwater cables keep the world connected to the internet.

Its is rather peculiar to think that just a few underwater cables are responsible for keeping the entire world connected to the world wide web. Although many people make use of wireless internet connections the internets most critical part of the worlds internet is a network of underwater sea cables that provide international connections to servers around the globe and connect most countries and continents to the internet.

There is a problem, however, and that is the difficulty of maintenance due to these cables being at the bottom of the sea. It has happened in the past that a cable got struck by a ship and cut all internet access to an entire country and this could take weeks to repair. But currently, this is the most effective and efficient method to supply high-speed internet to countries all over the globe.

Take a look at the interesting tech video below by YouTube channel: RealLifeLore2 on the dependability on just a few underwater cables keep the world connected to the internet.

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