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As the Earth's population rises exponentially, the demand for fresh water is at an all-time high. However, the supply is not unlimited by any stretch of the imagination. Even though we have clever recycling and cleansing methods used all around the globe, statistics show that it is just simply not enough.

Many corporations have invested heavily in water purification methods, even creating water scientifically. However, the demand continuously overwhelms the capacity and financial resources available.

The next big possible solution would be to desalinate seawater, but how exactly does this process work?

The benefit of seawater is its availability, as it's responsible for over 97% of the Earth's total water supply. The issue, however, is that it's not drinkable.

In order to desalinate it, you need to perform a process called seawater reverse osmosis. To do this, seawater is extracted with the help of underwater wells located near the coastline. The seawater is then filtered through a series of filters each containing layered materials to help remove solid particles. In the next stage, the filtered seawater is then pressurised up to 1000 psi, which will allow reverse osmosis to occur, before filtering out the salt particles.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, DSV Marketing, on How Seawater Desalination Works...

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