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A new "gamer influenced" trend has completely taken off in the tech world and is that of installing LED strip lights at the back of your TV. This can create a very pleasing ambience in your living room whether your TV is on or off and the best part is that it costs next to nothing to do!

What you'll need is an LED strip light kit that consists of a roll of RGB (or white) LED lights, these normally include a controller as well as a remote control so you can control what colour or effect you want at any given time. Ensure that the kit you are buying comes with all these components.

You may also want to make sure that the LED strips come standard with adhesive tape on the back end so you can attach them to the back of your TV.

These LED strips are not designed to be installed at a right angle, in other words when you get to the installation and want to make a bend to go around the back corner of your TV it will not work. You can however get corner pieces that you can connect and fabricate the strips to work seamlessly. To do this, please refer to the video at the bottom of this article.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Jumper Man Tech on How To Install LED Strips Behind TV (USB LED Strip For TV).

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