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So if you are in the market for a new photo editing program you probably have some Photoshop experience or are starting off from scratch and Adobe Lightroom Classic CC is a fantastic start.

Many people argue the fact that if they have Photoshop CC then there is no need to get Lightroom and although Photoshop can do everything Lightroom can, Lightroom still has some highly preferable benefits.

Lightroom is designed for 2 main things and that is efficiency and consistency when it comes to picture editing.

The workflow in lightroom is as follows > Importing > Catagorising > Developing (editing) > Organising in your Catalogue > Exporting.

And over and above this, you have the option of editing with presets which you can create yourself or buy from a third party.

Furthermore, Lightroom has the ability to allow the user to work with "smart Previews" that allow the user to edit images without the images physically being on the computer which is highly beneficial for laptops without a massive storage drive, having one plugged in or taking up unnecessary amounts of processing power.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Dan Maker Moore on an Intro To Lightroom Workflow & Basics In Under 10 Minutes...

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