Many people have chosen to either refrain from eating animal products or are cutting down their carnivorous consumption by a significant amount. This is either for ethical or environmental reasons and concerns.
Because of this, there is a spike in demand for even more animal-based food product alternatives. We are already accustomed to many choices such as tofu, soy-based meats and proteins, and even a whole variety of options to cows milk such as almond milk and soy milk.
Recently, scientists have been developing stem-cell-based meats in laboratories to help reduce concerns over the environment and uncouth slaughtering methods. The results came back overwhelmingly positive with successful edible lab-grown meats that provided the same taste and nutrition as that of a real animal.
However, in the early days, the issue was the texture of the 'flesh', which was a bit tough. Scientists soon came up with a solution... they used electricity to contract and stimulate the muscle tissue to further perfect it.
In Japan, you can already find stem-cell grown meats in regular supermarkets. Unsurprisingly, the statistics show that in the next few years, many other countries will be offering lab-grown meats in their supermarkets too.
This is taking meat-free Mondays to a whole new level!
Check out the video below by the YouTube channel, SciShow, on Animal-Free Animal Products With Cellular Agriculture.