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Lilium Has Secured $90 Million For The Electric Flying Taxi 2

Lilium Has Secured $90 Million For The Electric Flying Taxi 3

Lilium Has Secured $90 Million For The Electric Flying Taxi 4

A couple of months ago the German firm Lilium announced their very first electric flying taxi. Now the company has finally secured $90 million from a series B funding round, for its next jet design. The money secured will be invested for the development of a five-seat 'Lilium jet' that will be used for commercial flights and also help expand the practice's team. 

In April they achieved their first prototype flight performing the most complicated manoeuvre; transitioning between hover mode and horizontal flight. According to the founders, the jet would be equipped with a motor system that allows it to fly up to 300 km/h during the span of one hour — on one single charge. In other words, the project is focusing on being both economic and efficient for users — offering flights that would be much less costly for the same commute taken in a regular taxi service. 

"We are continuing to recruit the very brightest and best global talent in aeronautical engineering, physics, electric propulsion and computer science to join us on this extraordinary aviation journey where the only limits are the laws of physics," says Daniel Wiegand, Lilium co-founder and CEO.

You can read more about the whole process of how the Lilium jet started and see the video here!!


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