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Microsoft is investing heavily in mixed reality platforms and software development with Microsoft Mesh.

At the beginning of March 2021, Microsoft announced its entirely new division called Microsoft Mesh, and what they plan on doing for future technology to aid in the lives of people and industries.

For the past few years, virtual reality and augmented reality were only seen and invested in for mostly the gaming industry. But now, Microsoft is taking this to a whole new level as they launch Microsoft Mesh. Microsoft Mesh is a mixed reality platform that allows people to connect, collaborate and work with each other in 3D space, visually and audibly regardless, of where they physically might be.

The benefits of mixed reality are virtually endless, and will drastically change the way we associate with technology and one another. Industries and workers alike can work together, seamlessly and remotely, learn and train together and even connect personally as well.

Microsoft will also allow third-party developers to create and design their own systems for Microsoft Mesh, allowing for maximum opportunities and creativity in this new technology.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, Microsoft, on Introducing Microsoft Mesh.

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