Elon Musk has been making headway in terms of merging the human brain to a computer – in a sort of man/metal collaboration – with the intention to evolve humans.
He has recently launched a company called Neuralink that is currently working on neural lace technology. This essentially interlaces the thoughts and brainwaves of the human with the computer's functions, meaning that the human would be able to control the computer using their brain.
Implanting these interfaces into the brains of stroke or disabled patients would allow them to communicate without actually talking. They would literally be able to communicate with- and control computers just using their thoughts – in turn, opening the doorway to communicate with other humans too without saying an actual word.
It is predicted to progress to connecting of the human brain to the cloud, allowing humans to learn and gain skills by downloading and using information in the cloud. It will expand the human mind and allow humans to "upgrade" themselves, creating limitless opportunity to become more efficient.
Not a scary prospect at all.
The first order of business though is curing ails such as epilepsy and mental disorders but, with such a promising start, the sky is the limit for Elon Musk.