Home / Computers/technology / News / Paypal's New Plugin Can Help Merchants Sell And Ship Items Internationally!


PayPal now offers a tool to help online sellers reach international markets easily. The tool comes in the form of a plugin that is available on major shopping platforms like Shopify and Magento, that lets customers pay businesses through PayPal. 

The plugin program is called Global Seller and it is a partnership between Pay Pal and WebInterpret, the company that made the plugin. The program ensures exposure to more than 60 countries so merchants show up higher on international search results for online shoppers. On the shopper's end, the buyer will automatically see price conversion to their local currency and WebInterpret offers local shipping options to facilitate international delivery.

The merchants need to download the PayPal plugin in order to use PayPal on their online shopping platform. The plugin is capable of accepting 25 different currencies and it is free to use but standard PayPal fees do apply. The plugin program will first launch to eligible merchants in the US, UK and Germany and other merchants can request a demo on PayPal's Global Seller page.  

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