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Robochefs Take Over This Restaurant To Bring You The Best Of Best 2

Robochefs Take Over This Restaurant To Bring You The Best Of Best 3

Robochefs Take Over This Restaurant To Bring You The Best Of Best 4

Robochefs Take Over This Restaurant To Bring You The Best Of Best 5

Spyce Food Co. has a futuristic, yet very casual-looking setup, that features a full-fledged robot kitchen.

The idea was born from four MIT grads and one talented Michelin-starred chef, all in a bid to automate the dining experience in a way that includes a meaningful robotic contribution.

You can go and visit the restaurant in Boston to see all this wondrous food creation in action, with four different menu options, all based on "bowl"-type dishes, including Latin, Thai and Indian food, according to your tastes.

There are tons of countertops, seats for about 15 different customers, and more – but you’ll be interacting primarily with robots, of course, from checking out the menu, to ordering food, to paying for it and having your food prepared. These are some seriously talented robots.

The robots grab all the ingredients needed for each individual dish, chop them up, cook it individually, and automate the entire process to make things simpler on the front end and for a low overhead at that.

The bowls are priced at $7.50 apiece, because of the low operational costs, and it takes a mere three minutes to serve up one of the bowls. It is fast, efficient, and low-cost, which is a win on all fronts.

If it sounds intriguing, you can make a trip to Spyce on your own, which is open to the public now. Just know that you probably won’t have to make any complaints to the chefs this time around.

In the meantime, you can see more about the Spyce restaurant in the video below.

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