With thousands of people ditching WhatsApp, the two preferred options are Signal and Telegram. But which messaging chat app is better for you?
As we all know, WhatsApp have updated their terms and conditions for the use of their instant messaging app, essentially demanding that users share more private data with Facebook. As people ditch their trusted messaging app for more secure alternatives such as Telegram and Signal, the question remains as to which one to opt for.
First of all, the biggest difference between the two apps – being Signal and Telegram – is that Signal is a non-profit organisation that relies purely on donations to run the app. Telegram, on the other hand, is a profit-hungry business. Not that it's necessarily an issue, it's just when it comes to monetisation of Telegram, there are two ways where we can expect how it will influence our user experience: One would be through ads in the app, and the other is potentially sharing user information, although not yet on the same scale as Facebook's WhatsApp.
Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later Clips, on Signal VS Telegram, which is the better messaging Chat App?