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The SpaceX Starlink project reveals its initial pricing and internet speeds.

Starlink, by SpaceX, is a satellite network what provides remote internet access to all parts of the planet at a consistent speed, and eliminates the need for a physical cable connection.

Since the first SpaceX launch to put a Starlink satellite in space in May of 2009, there have been 835 already put into orbit in the past year. Starlink hopes to provide internet access by means of a subscription service to all.

Recently, Starlink revealed its initial asking price for its internet service, which equates to $99 per month, with a once-off fee of $499 for the Starlink kit. The latter consists of a terminal that connects to the satellites, a mounting tripod as well as a Wi-Fi router.

The internet speeds are expected to vary from 50 Mb/s to 150 Mb/s, which doesn't sound like much, but depending on where you are in the world, this might be the fastest internet some countries have ever seen before.

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Later CLips, on SpaceX Starlink Gets Initial Pricing And Internet Speed.

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