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The all-new Matrix movie which is now the 4th instalment in the 22-year-old franchise and is set for an international release date for cinemas for Christmas this year.

Warner Bros studios have officially released the trailer on the 9th of September 2021 and has had over 8 million views in the first 6 hours so clearly the Matrix fanbase and legacy lives on.

The strange thing about the end of the last Matrix movie, The Matrix Revolutions, is that we saw the main character, Neo goes blind as a result of injury during a battle with his arch-enemy, Agent Smith, and furthermore, there was no conclusion whether or not Neo survived, furthermore, Trinity passed away as well.

But in the Matrix 4 trailer, we clearly see them both alive and well, however, we get an impression that they are still in the Matrix living a life where they are oblivious to it all once again!

However, we do get a sense of them breaking free and entering the machine world once again with awesome special effects, mind-blowing action and a whole lot more that you'd expect from a typical Matric movie!

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Warner Bros. Pictures on The Matrix Resurrections - Official Trailer 1

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