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The Nes Classic Edition Is Coming Back? 2

The Nes Classic Edition Is Coming Back? 3

The Nes Classic Edition Is Coming Back? 4

It is not even six months since Nintendo discontinued the NES classic edition and now the company is bringing back the NES classic edition in 2018. This is bizarre and totally reasonable on Nintendo's part; the hardware sold like hotcakes even if the company claimed surprised at its popularity.

The NES Classic Edition was a "limited-time product" back when it was discontinued in April 2017. It would not be the first time an item advertised as being rare or limited and then found its way back to the shelves. Nintendo is clever, they are making this look like a bumbled reaction to popularity instead of a plan, which makes all those claims of only being able to focus on so much seem even sillier in retrospect. 

"Even with that extraordinary level of performance, we understand that people are frustrated about not being able to find the system, and for that, we really do apologize," Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told Time in April, weeks after Nintendo discontinued the NES Classic Edition. "But from our perspective, it's important to recognize where our future is and the key areas that we need to drive. We've got a lot going on right now and we don't have unlimited resources."

To respond by not just making more of these systems that are sure to sell a lot and go for way higher prices on reseller sites, but also producing the NES Classic Edition again, seems like Nintendo is picking up on something: People are really into nostalgia. This could be something as simple as Nintendo that finally decides to cash in on a product that everyone seems to want. The fact this seems so remote only proves how weird Nintendo’s reactions to the market tend to be. 

Keep an eye out for updates on new specs, dates and when Nintendo might launch the gaming console!

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