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These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 2

These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 3

These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 4

These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 5

These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 6

These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 7

These Leather Speakers Come In The Shape Of An Envelope 8

When these leather speakers get shipped to their new owner, they literally arrive in the shape of an envelope.

Designed in a manner that can be flat-packed, the speakers come as drivers that are attached to leather sleeves. When shipped, the entire unit is shipped in a bubble-wrap lined envelope and, on being received, needs to be put together, introducing a DIY element that makes the user feel involved. The speakers are connected using the wires that come with the packaging and folded into an icosahedral shape, giving the speaker its own hollow acoustic chamber.

Created by Ludovica Vando, the DIY stereo speaker system has been constructed using recycled leather and provides a more "human touch" to the speaker. The speakers are designed for music lovers and come with two 5W speakers, an amplifier, as well as connecting cables. Making an argument that a product's beauty lies in its ability to unravel secrets and teach a user more about it.

The Giacinto's DIY element hopes to help people get more in touch with the tech around them, hopefully rebooting the era of taking a screwdriver and tinker with and fixing products rather than having them exchanged or dumping them in a landfill.

The traditional version of the Giacinto speakers is launched with a basic colour of recycled leather but there are three other colours to choose from.

The Giacinto speakers also present a wide range of customization options – leather, laser marked recycled option, laser cut steel option and brass sheets with more than twelve textures to choose from.

The sound modulation filters of two speakers of 4ohm- 5W are placed in two boxes and connected to each other by a mini amplifier. The aim is to make Giacinto become an analogical and not a digital equalizer where the user becomes the creator of the sounds they own.

The input and output supply of electric power is handled through a mini-jack and a USB plug. Have a look at the video below to learn more about the Giacinto speakers.

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