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This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 2

This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 3

This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 4

This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 5

This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 6

This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 7

This Is The World's Largest Bike Parking Garage! 8

The world's largest bike parking garage has opened its door in Netherlands and for those who do not know, bicycles are sacred in the Netherlands. For every person, there are 1.3 bikes ( an interesting fact of the day). 

Utrecht is a rapidly growing city and has over 100,00 cyclists riding to work, school, university, uses bikes as a form of public transport to go home each day. With the aim of being the most bike-friendly city in the world, they have just opened the world’s largest bike parking garage. The 17,100 square meter space can store 6,000 cycles right now and aims for another 6,500 by the end of next year.

The bike garage is located under Utrecht’s central station and aims to have 33,000 spaces by 2020. Even if they took the title from Tokyo's Kasai underground station, it seems like the Dutch authorities are still not very convinced says The Guardian. The discontent is born from the numbers that show that even though it’s a huge space, soon the parking will not be enough. They continue by saying that 43% of journeys under 7.5km are done by bike and that five years ago it was 40%, showing how fast this transport method is growing.

Have a look at the gallery to see what the bike garage looks like. It is pretty cool!!

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