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Take a look at this exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from the voice cast of the original Toy Story animated movie.

The original Toy Story movie was initially released in 1995, and will go down in history in the geek world as being one of the first movies ever created by Pixar animation studios. Not only that, but one of the first to be digitally compiled and edited on the mighty NeXT computer, which was created by no other than Steve Jobs when he initially left Apple computers.

The casting for the voices of the Toy Story characters was almost an art form in itself. When the director heard Tim Allen and Tom Hanks' voice behind the original casting animation test reel, he instantly knew that they would bring something special to the assignment. Over 20 years later, they have remained loyal to the Toy Story legacy.

Furthermore, in this behind-the-scenes footage, you'll get a glimpse at the original voice characters behind Mr Potato Head, Mrs Boe Peep, Rex and Slinky who are beloved characters by Toy Story fans around the world!

Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Many Jony, titled; Toy Story Voice Cast – Behind The Scenes.

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