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Video: Every Gamers Dream Mouse, Introducing The Lexip Gaming Mouse 2

Video: Every Gamers Dream Mouse, Introducing The Lexip Gaming Mouse 3

Extra buttons on a mouse are definitely nothing new, as the game-world have seen it implemented many times to provide the gamers with versatile control options during play. The Lexip Gaming Mouse, however, does something pretty unique, adding a pair of joysticks to the traditional peripheral to enable all-new ways of playing. 

Video: Every Gamers Dream Mouse, Introducing The Lexip Gaming Mouse 4

This mouse comes with two mechanical joysticks on board, which allow players to perform controls you can only do on a gamepad while playing with a standard mouse-and-keyboard setup. It enables unique gameplay and represents new ways to interact with the mouse. The Lexip Gaming Mouse allows players to zoom, strafe, and aim in an FPS without losing accuracy. It even allows you to operate space and flight simulators, basically, this mouse can change the way you play for the better.  


Just how do these joysticks work in the Lexip mouse?

The first two-axis joystick is set up at the base of the device, which you can control by moving the mouse in place using the palm of your hand. It can send over 300,000 joystick positions to the PC, with a 20-degree position in all directions. The second joystick is installed at the side of the mouse, allowing you to control it accurately using your thumb. If you have ever longed for the finesse provided by analogue joysticks while playing your favourite PC game, this mouse offers the best way to put those controls in your arsenal.

Aside from the joysticks, Lexip also threw in a pair of small buttons for the thumb, both of which you can program from the companion app. In the app, you can also assign different actions to each control on the mouse, set program-specific macros, adjust the laser sensor's precisions, modify the sensitivity of the joystick, adjust dead zones, and many more. Simply put, you can manage the majority of the aspect the mouse has to offer, to customise it exactly to your liking.

The Lexip Gaming Mouse comes with a premium laser sensor that boasts a precision of 8200 dpi and an accuracy of 150 ips, along with a shape that enables comfortable gameplay. The mouse was primarily designed with space and flight simulators in mind since it can perform the role of a flight stick while still serving as a conventional mouse.

A Kickstarter campaign is currently running, and you can reserve a unit for pledges starting at €99.

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