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Video: Futuristic 'tesla Towers' In Abandoned Woods Near Moscow 2

Video: Futuristic 'tesla Towers' In Abandoned Woods Near Moscow 3

The Tesla Tower is an invention, designed and made by Tesla, which has the ability to harness enormous amount of electricity – all from a strike of lightning. It is thought that the amount of electricity created in the moment when the lightning strikes the tower is enough to power the whole of Russia, equalling the amount that is produced by all of the power stations in the country put together.

If you sit an think about it for a second, it seems scary – and it is – but that is one of the reasons the invention has been back-shelved. People are genuinely afraid of the power that these towers hold.

The basis of the complex is a cascade of 3 million volt transformers with a switching attachment. The generator of impulse voltages (GIN) is of 9 million volts and, with the help of this generator, a spark discharges with a length of 150 meters. In fact, the Marx generator belongs to the High-Voltage Research Center.

The tower that can be seen in the video below is named the High Voltage Marx and Tesla Generators Research Facility.
When it is powered up and working – which can be seen towards the end of the video, below – it is able to produce enough electricity to power the whole of Russia, but only for a few microseconds. Researchers are still struggling with translating the immense amount of power that they can create a method with more longevity, once they do this then free electricity is a real possibility.


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