Home / Computers/technology / Hacks / Video: How To Give Your Iphone 7 The Headphone Jack... Yes It Is Possible!


The following video will show you how to add a headphone jack to your iPhone 7. Note that it requires real courage and LOTS OF CASH!!

So for the iPhone fans out there, if you miss the headphone jack, you are definitely not alone. Strange Parts creator Scotty Allen missed it so much that he decided to add a headphone to his iPhone 7. 

He posted a video of the project's entire saga with all the ups and downs and in the end, he holds what he set out to create; an iPhone 7 with a fully functional headphone jack. 

The project took Allen 17 weeks to complete and throughout the entire project he spent thousands of dollars on parts including multiple iPhones and screens and handfuls of the lighting to headphone adaptors. Towards the end, after breaking lots and I mean lots of parts, Allen gets a little down on the project and says he wants to give up. But he doesn't and it all works out. The final product works by using a lightning to headphone adaptor that's incorporated into the internal structure of the phone. 

Scotty Allen posted the steps online, for those who want to take on the challenge watch the video below and see how!!

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