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Video: Kalashnikov Unveils A New Electric-powered Flying Car! 2

Video: Kalashnikov Unveils A New Electric-powered Flying Car! 3

Video: Kalashnikov Unveils A New Electric-powered Flying Car! 4

Video: Kalashnikov Unveils A New Electric-powered Flying Car! 5

Video: Kalashnikov Unveils A New Electric-powered Flying Car! 6

Russian defence manufacturer Kalashnikov concern – makers of the AK-47 – has unveiled what might be Russia's next military gear. An all-electric flying car that is powered by a set of sixteen rotors, its application could include scouting, communications and other tasks as reported by Popular Mechanics. 

The electric-powered car is still unnamed, and the device has been tested at a hangar in Russia by officials of the company, part of the Russian defence giant Rostec. 

Kalashnikov concern's hoverbike has been unveiled in the video below that showcases the exoskeleton of the vehicle. With no gasoline or diesel engine, the batteries appear to be located under the rider. Joining the rotors, the flying car has a seat and is manoeuvred through the use of a joystick. Still a bit naked, the video shows, in the end, a shell that adds a curvilinear look to it.

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