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Video: Microsoft And Fujitsu Offers A Palm Login Scanner 2

Video: Microsoft And Fujitsu Offers A Palm Login Scanner 3

Biometric security is becoming increasingly popular for a majority of the tech companies that wants to offer peace of mind to their users, due to the fact that it is harder to spoof a fingerprint than steal a password.

Fujitsu has now unveiled the latest unlocking method for Windows 10... a palm vein recognition. In fact, Fujitsu has been working on this kind of technology for more than a decade and has decided to partner up with Microsoft to offer the palm vein scanning technology as part of the Windows Hello suite of security measures. The technology lets you log into Windows 10 with your face or your fingerprint if your computer has the necessary hardware.

Now, the palm vein scanning joins the list, but note it is scanning veins rather than actual palms. The idea behind the technology is that the underlying network of veins are so intricate and complex that they are unique to every user.

That makes it much more difficult to get a copy of someone's palm vein blueprint that it is to get a photo of someone's face, which might be enough to get through certain face unlock methods. Fujitsu is promising that its laptop palm vein scanner is very fast and accurate. All it takes is for users to hold their hands just above the scanner, and they are straight into Windows, no password required.

The technology works with a quick upward blast of infrared rays, which bounce back at different rates depending on whether veins are detected or not. The video below shows the PalmSecure technology working with Windows 10, have a look.

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