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A Norwegian company's dream of building the world's first full-scale floating wind turbines is becoming a reality offshore from Scotland. The wind farm is known as Hywind and is 25km off Peterhead and when it goes into full operation by the end of this year, it will provide power to 200,000 homes on the Scottish mainland. This will also be the first step towards renewable resources for the future where 80% of all electricity sold in the state should come from renewable resources in 2050. 

So far, one giant turbine has been floated into place while four more waits in readiness in a Norwegian fjord to be towed to the destination. The Hywind project produces on a quarter the electricity of a seabed-anchored one currently under construction off the Yorkshire coast - but according to The Guardian, proponents believe floating turbines could eclipse fixed-bottom ones in the long run.The project was opposed by the Scottish bird protection organisation RSPB, which told the BBC that although it supports wind-generated electricity for environmental reasons, the turbines may kill thousands of sea birds.

You can read more on BBC News' website here, and be sure to check out the video to see how these ginormous windmills are created and shipped offshore. 

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