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Video: The Curve Keyboard Illuminates Keys Based On Different Programs! 2

The Curve Keyboard illuminates the keys that are compatible with the specific program one is working with, taking some of the guesswork out of remembering keyboard shortcuts. 

Curve conveniently changes its layout based on the computer program that's currently open. This means that if a user is editing on Photoshop, the key combo that crops an image, or highlights a portion, will illuminate. Curve's intelligent scenario-driven system automatically illuminates only the necessary keys. Making it much easier for you to resume your movie. Curve adapts to the game you are playing: Taking all the non-essential key off your peripheral vision and illuminating those you need independently with different levels of illumination. It can seamlessly transition from one setup to another when you switch apps or games.

To make matters even more convenient, pressing control, alt or command will prompt the keyboard to display the available commands, eliminating the need to waste time guessing which keys will work and which won't. 

That's not all the Curve Keyboard can do, find out more in the video below:

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