Home / Computers/technology / Gadgets / Video: These Earbuds Will Change Everthing!


When we've got our earphones in, listening to music, we kind of get lost in it. The world disappears and reality slows down. And sometimes, that's the sole intention of why we do it?

But what if you want to listen to your tunes, but you also need to hear the happenings going on around you.

Let's say you're at work. You want to listen to a podcast or something, but you obviously need to be able to hear your colleagues.

Or you're at home, and you need to be able to hear someone knock on the door while you're tuning into your favourite jams.

IQ Buds solve all of this!

They literally amplify all the noises you hear, even while you're listening to music! This brings about a whole new listening experience, but also allows you to hear everything you need to hear and everything you WANT to hear!



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