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Video: This Scuba Diving Accessory Gives You Wings 2

Video: This Scuba Diving Accessory Gives You Wings 3

Video: This Scuba Diving Accessory Gives You Wings 4

Video: This Scuba Diving Accessory Gives You Wings 5

Video: This Scuba Diving Accessory Gives You Wings 6

Video: This Scuba Diving Accessory Gives You Wings 7

Hoverstar Flight Technology's AquaJet H2 brings you wings underwater and it is modelled after aeroplanes. It is a winged diver propulsion vehicle, and it is currently the subject of a crowd-funding campaign on Indiegogo.

According to the designer, the AquaJet's wings aren't just there to make it look awesome, they reportedly make it easier for users to maintain side-to-side balance, while they also reduce hydrodynamic drag.

The AquaJet H2 has three variable speed settings, which users select between using a hand control on the right wing, they accelerate within each of those settings using a throttle on the left wing. The top speed is 9km/h with steering managed simply by tilting the AquaJet to one side or the other, or up or down.

It is also claimed to be "more powerful than any other underwater scooter," and is capable of towing up to four divers at once. The motor is still said to be quiet enough that it shouldn't disrupt marine life and the battery life is rated to over 100 minutes per charge.

If you are interested in getting an AquaJet H2 of your own, pledges start at $799 US dollars, as with any crowd-funding project, there is no guarantee that it will reach production but, in the meantime, you can see it in action in the video below.


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