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Video: You Can Make A Beautiful, Transparent Nintendo Switch. Here Is How... 2

Video: You Can Make A Beautiful, Transparent Nintendo Switch. Here Is How... 3

The biggest question to ask is, why are there no transparent housings available on more devices? It's much more visually interesting – and now there are several videos on YouTube showing the Nintendo Switch's boring plastic casing replaced with a transparent case, and it is lovely. You can now have one of your own if you are willing to get your hands dirty.

YouTuber, JerryRigsEverything, put together a guide showing how you can switch your Nintendo's casing with a clear variation. There are lots of wires, screws and very breakable pieces, so it's a risky business if you're considering giving it a go.

The video below details the entire process in all its frustrating delicacy – seriously, some of the gentle wire detachments look so fragile, we would be too scared to try.

But, if you are willing to try then we recommend doing it, if only because the end results will make your Nintendo look great compared to other neon covers.
Beware though, the warranty on the Switch says it does not apply if the console "is modified or tampered with".

Have a look at JerryRigsEverything's video below:


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