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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or more commonly known as MIT, is without a doubt one of the best technical universities on the planet and by far the most famous of its kind.

MIT was founded in 1861 by an American geologist, physicist and educator named William Barton Rogers, and the MIT campus opened its doors officially in 1865 after the American civil war.

MIT has the reputation of being one of the hardest universities to get into with over 21,300 applicants for the class of 2023, and only 1,427 of them have been accepted thus far. But for those lucky few, they will have the opportunity to study at one of the worlds leading technical institutions for research and innovation and get tutored by some of the best professors in the technical and scientific fields. Furthermore, MIT's student-faculty ratio is just 3:1 meaning that there is far more one on one interaction during classes than most other universities.

Students of MIT will enjoy top-class technical education by Nobel awarded lecturers at a campus that ranges over 166 acres, 18 student residential houses, 26 acres of playing fields, over 30 gardens and green spaces as well as over 60 publically visible works of art.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Hafu Go on What The MIT Campus Looks Like Inside - MIT Campus Tour.

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