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Windows 10 is currently the latest operating system offered by Microsoft, and is considered one of the most successful operating systems, just falling short of Windows XP.

However, you might or might not know that there are certain file names you simply cannot use, such as "Con", "PRN" or "NUL" to name a few. And there is a reason for this, whether or not it's a good reason, we'll leave it up to you to decide...

Are you working on Windows 10? Then why not give it a try right now? Go to your desktop, right-click and create a new folder, then try to give it one of the names mentioned above. Microsoft will immediately give you a message saying "The specified device name is invalid". Well, thanks go to Microsoft for finally giving us a great explanation as to why this is!

They don't specialise in hardware exclusively like Apple. So Microsoft has to integrate support for drivers from third party manufacturers, for both the software and for device manufacturers such as printers.

And, because of this, specific names have been reserved for tasks that control outputs to backwards-compatible ports and devices, regardless if they are installed on your computer or not. You can't create folders in Windows OS having CON, PRN, NUL, etc. as the name. This is because these folder names are reserved for use in specific system tasks.

Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel, Tom Scott, on Why You Can't Name A File "Con" In Windows 10...

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