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15 Things Sims Might Have Taught You
Motherlode, Motherlode, Motherlode, that was probably the best Sims cheat anyone could come across playing Sims throughout their childhood.
1. You're nothing until you can afford to move into the mansion at 2 Sim Lane.
2. Sex on Sims is when two people get into a vibrating bed and start yelling.
3. You basically have 5 personality traits.
4. Anyone can be classified as an architect and an interior designer.
5. Newspapers must be brought inside, and thrown away daily.
6. Parties can be awkward, and the birthday cake can help, even though it is no one's birthday!
7. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
8. It is totally worth spending $4,500 on the Vibromatic Heart Bed and have the rest of your tiny house look like shit.
9. Do not kiss anyone too passionately or you might have a baby.
10. And if you are not careful enough, someone might delete the pool ladder, and you die!
11. No Sim knows what to do in the event of a fire.
12. If your child receives an F-Grade for a few days, they will be shipped off to military school, and you will NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN!
13. If you are sad you will receive a clown, that will follow you around, and cry!
14. If the bathroom is too far, just pee on the floor.
15. And finally, the only way you can afford that expensive bed, and get what you want, is to cheat...