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The Hankook Tires Concept Are A Realistic Alternative To Future Driving! 2

The Hankook Tires Concept Are A Realistic Alternative To Future Driving! 3

The Hankook Tires Concept Are A Realistic Alternative To Future Driving! 4

The Hankook Tires Concept Are A Realistic Alternative To Future Driving! 5

The Hankook design innovation has proposed a series of innovative tire concepts including the 'magfloat' and the 'flexup'. The idea is to combine creative and realistic alternatives to future driving, combining design and technology in relation to the urban landscape, these mind blowing ideas introduces a whole new driving experience.

The 'flexup' design consists of one single wheel that expands and contracts through a principle of divided threads which makes it possible to move around freely even when stairs are encountered.  The 'magfloat' in appearance resembles a skateboard but it uses a magnetic field extension and rotation principle rather than wheels which allows the driver to freely move at a low speed of 20 km/h or less. 

Seeing as cities are becoming increasingly denser, Hankook has also launched a concept called 'shiftrac'; it is for police cars that are agile and is easy to drive. The last two concepts are launched to increase efficiency and to make public transport easier int he future. Take a look at the video to see more about Hankook's concepts for the future!

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