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At a big Surface event in Shanghai, Microsoft announced they will be launching a new Surface Pro with a 13.5 hours-battery-life. That will be impressive if it is true, but we will have to wait and see later this year. At first glance, the new Surface Pro looks a lot like the old Surface 4, but it is the inside that really counts this time. 

Microsoft decided to upgrade the Surface Pro to a new Intel seventh-generation Kaby Lake processor and with a fan-less design on the Core m3 and Core i5 models, the Intel Core i7 will still include a fan. 

Microsoft has set itself apart from its competitors by improving the Surface Pen. If you are not an artist, it will be difficult to get excited about a pen, but if you are...well for starters the Surface Pen has added tilt support; the ability to register the sides of the pen and not the tip. 

The hope is that drawing with the new Surface Pen will feel like you are drawing with an actual pen; this is very exciting if you are an illustrator. The Surface Pro will also have an LTE option if you need the internet all the time. The Surface Pro will not have USB-C, but instead, will continue to provide USB 3.1 via a traditional USB-A port (the old school rectangular one we all know).

The new Surface Pro will be available to pre-order today and will ship June 15th. 

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