As fun, exhilarating and mind-blowingly amazing as new modern games are these days, there is still a large following for older games that came out over 20 years ago.
However, with new operating systems such as Windows 10 and the brand new Windows 11 doing a fantastic job at emulating older versions of the system to allow for backward compatibility to older drivers, programs as well as systems, the reality of it though is that it doesn't guarantee that every system will work optimally or at all for that matter which is rather disappointing.
However, with that said, a PC is still your best bet if you still want to play older games as in the console world, backwards compatibility is far more strict. Sony's brand new Playstation 5 only supports Playstation 4 and 5 games, and the new Xbox Series X from Microsoft supports fully backwards compatiabili8ty, however, not every game was released for their system.
Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Tech Quickie on Why Don't Old Games Work On New Computers?