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Microsoft's Xbox One will soon support a mouse and keyboard as an input device for selected games – hear that, all PC master race?

Hopefully, then all console players will be able to keep up with their PC buddies in crossover games such as Fortnite.

The extra peripheral functionality will only be available on titles where developers decide to build it into the game – this means it is completely up to developers whether this feature will be available or not. You won’t be able to swap your controller for a mouse and keyboard on just any game.

The first title that’ll receive the functionality is the free-to-play online multiplayer game Warframe, which will serve as a test.

While most wired and wireless mice and keyboards will work with your console, Microsoft is working with Razer to create specialised keyboards and mice for Xbox which they will reveal on 10 November. According to a recent Razer tweet, we can likely expect keyboards with RGB lighting. Because that’s just the way Razer rolls.

Keep in mind that only members of the Xbox Insider program will gain access to the new feature in the next few weeks. 

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